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UHF Volunteer Award Ceremony

On March 6, 2009, Mrs. So King Fong was recognized for her years of service to Downtown Hospital by the United Hospital Fund (UHF) at the annual Hospital Auxilian and Volunteer Achievement Award Ceremony. The event took place in the Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf=Astoria. The Award, established by the UHF in 1994, honors outstanding volunteers for their extraordinary service on behalf of New York City's voluntary and municipal hospitals. Mrs. Fong was accompanied by her son and daughter, members of Hospital staff, and 89 honored volunteers from other metropolitan healthcare facilities as she received her beautiful crystal medallion to recognize her years of service. Ms. Sade Baderinwa, co-anchor of WABC-TV Eyewitness News, addressed the honorees and described her own ordeal as a patient recovering from a hit-and-run accident experienced while broadcasting live on television. She spoke of the significance of healthcare volunteers and staff to her recovery. Downtown Hospital congratulates Mrs. So King Fong, and extends its gratitude to all of our volunteers who add immeasurably to the quality of patient care offered at our Hospital.

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