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Hospital Adds Critical Care Transport

New York Downtown Hospital today announced critical new emergency resources for the downtown community. It put a new Critical Care Transport (CCT) Unit into service and has been awarded several new ambulance tours by the Fire Department's Emergency Medical Service (EMS).

The Critical Care Transport is a specialized ambulance considered an “ICU on wheels” and staffed with highly skilled paramedics, nurses and even doctors, depending on the patient's needs. Unlike a 911 ambulance, Critical Care Transport units are equipped with ventilators, invasive pumps, and other intricate patient monitoring devices. Its primary function is to transport critically ill patients requiring specialized care to hospitals like NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital that offer those services.

New York Downtown Hospital is grateful to The Bank of New York Mellon and The George Link, Jr. Foundation for their support which made the acquisition of this life-saving unit possible.

The New York City Fire Department is tasked with handling all 911 requests and out-of-hospital emergencies in New York City. They perform this task with the assistance of hospitals that provide ambulances in the 911 response matrix.

Recently, thanks to the intervention and good offices of State Senator Daniel Squadron, New York Downtown Hospital was awarded three new ambulance tours. In a meeting with FDNY/EMS called by Senator Squadron, the needs of the downtown community and New York Downtown Hospital were discussed with EMS officials including EMS Chief Abdo Nahmod.

As result of those discussions, Chief Nahmod and EMS awarded an additional full-time basic life support (BLS) ambulance (two daily 12-hour tours, or shifts) and another half-time advanced life support (ALS) ambulance (one additional daily tour). The additional tour added to the existing ALS ambulance tour; and new BLS tours allow New York Downtown Hospital to now operate two BLS and two ALS ambulances 24 hours a day within the FDNY 911 system. BLS units are staffed with Emergency Medical Technicians, while ALS units each carry two Paramedics. These ambulances are able to provide the initial care required, along with facilitating rapid transport to the nearest, appropriate 911 receiving hospital.

Senator Squadron said, “As Lower Manhattan continues to grow, these new ambulances will help ensure that Downtown Hospital's great care reaches those who need it. I'd like to thank the FDNY/EMS and EMS Chief Abdo Nahmod for approving these new units, and the Bank of New York Mellon and The George Link, Jr. Foundation for their generous support of the new Critical Care Transport Unit."

New York Downtown President Jeffrey Menkes echoed Senator Squadron's praise of FDNY/EMS and EMS Chief Nahmod specifically. “These new resources,” he added, “give the downtown community very important additions to our ability to respond quickly to medical emergencies. This is possible through the determined and informed leadership of Senator Squadron and the generous public service oriented philanthropy of the Bank of New York Mellon and the George Link, Jr. Foundation. We owe each a sincere debt of gratitude.”

The Critical Care Transport is a crucial addition to the hospital's capacities. In some cases, transport of a patient to the nearest hospital is warranted, even though the patient may require more care than the local Emergency Department can provide. Once a patient is stabilized at the local hospital ER, they may require a higher level of care, and a Critical Care Transport unit is utilized. New York Downtown Hospital's new Critical Care Transport is here when time is vital.

A Critical Care Transport unit can expand the capabilities of the Hospital by providing an emergency network to other special services at partnered healthcare institutions.

Funding for transport by CCT unit is available through insurance reimbursement; the average fee is $1200. What prevents most hospitals from acquiring a CCT unit is the initial start-up cost, which includes a specialized ambulance capable of carrying more specialized equipment like that found in ICUs and EDs. By having this generous gift from The Bank of New York Mellon and George Link, Jr. Foundation, we have a new, truly life-saving branch of the hospital.

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