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NewsBone Density Test at Downtown Family Care Center Dr. Rajeev Babbar recently announced that the DowntownFamily Care Center (DFCC) on Essex Street has a state-oftheartbone densitometer as part of its services. Osteoporosis posesa serious threat to 43 million Americans – 80% of whom arewomen. Most bone loss occurs during the first 10 yearsfollowing the onset of menopause, when women lose bonedensity every year unless treated. That is why the detectionand treatment of bone loss during these years are critical.Unfortunately fewer than 10% of women with osteoporosishave been diagnosed and are currently under treatment.The Downtown Family Care Center can provide a baselineassessment for osteoporosis in just a matter of minutes. Thisreport can help identify patients who are at risk, so they canbegin therapy to prevent further bone loss and limit their riskof serious injury. If you would like to learn more about theHologic 4500 QDR Bone Densitometer or the other servicesavailable at the DFCC, or if you would like a personal tour ofthe facility, please call Dr. Babbar at (212) 801-1730. Congratulations Anjana R. Nair, M.D., from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, was selected as the recipient of the Society of Reproductive Surgeons In-Training Award for her outstanding research, “Potential Candidates for Uterine Transplantation: An Assessment of Need.” The OB/GYN Department and Downtown Hospital extend congratulations to Dr. Nair on this exceptional recognition. Downtown Hospital Study Recognized In a feat accomplished by only prestigious medical centers, astudy conducted at Downtown Hospital has been selected as arecipient of the Society of Reproductive Surgeons (SRS) InTraining Award for the second year in a row. This award ispresented by theAmerican Society for Reproductive Medicine. The study, “ARandomized Controlled Study Comparing Two StandardizedClosure Methods of Laparoscopic Port Sites,” by Kai Chen,M.D., Allan Klapper, M.D., Haley Voige, M.D., andGiuseppe Del Priore, M.D. received one of only 3 SRS InTraining Awards for research which are granted annually. Thepurpose of these awards is to recognize outstanding researchconducted by individuals in training. Hepatitis B Study Approved Giuseppe Del Priore, M.D., M.P.H., Vice President forResearch, congratulates Lijun Mi, M.D., Ph.D.; JeffreyKarsdon, M.D.; William Huang, M.D.; and DowntownHospital for successfully competing for another Hepatitisresearch program. It will be the first comprehensive prospectivestudy of Hepatitis B transmission in neonates. Many othersfrom the Departments of Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology,Pediatrics and Research contributed toensure the acceptance of this research program in acollaborative effort typical of the Downtown Hospital community. Downtown Hospital is a leader in Hepatitis B treatment and research. |
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