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Make a DonationNew York Downtown Hospital delivers state-of-the-art health care with the intimate attention and personal care of a community hospital. As the closest acute care medical center to 600,000 people who live and work in Lower Manhattan, the Hospital has earned national recognition for innovative services tailored to the special needs of its diverse communities. Downtown Hospital, through its membership in the New York-Presbyterian Healthcare System, has a reach that far exceeds that of most community hospitals. Our close link to two of the New York-Presbyterian Healthcare System ensures access to the most sophisticated technology and medical procedures available. The Hospital traces its roots to the New York Infirmary for Indigent Women and Children, founded in 1883 by Elizabeth Blackwell, M.D., the first licensed female physician in the United States. Dr. Blackwell's commitment to community needs drives New York Downtown Hospital today. Outright giftsOutright Gifts may be made by check, money order or credit card.Checks or money orders should be made out to New York Downtown Hospital and sent to the Office of Corporate Development, New York Downtown Hospital, 170 William Street, New York, NY 10038. To make a credit card donation, you may call the Development Office at (212) 801-1700, or you may make a secure online donation as described below. DOWNLOAD DONATION FORM Make a Secure Donation OnlineThe quickest and easiest way to assist Downtown Hospital is to make a secure donation on this Web site. This will allow the Hospital to use the donated funds immediately to provide the highest quality health care services for all the people of Lower Manhattan. Simply click on the Donate Now icon below and complete the donation form.![]() Planned GiftsAppreciated SecuritiesOne of the only ways to avoid substantial capital gains tax on appreciated securities is to make a charitable gift of the property. In most cases, the donor may take a deduction based on the full market value of the property held for at least one year, rather than just its cost. Real Estate Donors who make outright, irrevocable gifts of real property to the Hospital are eligible for charitable income tax deductions equal to the full fair market value of the property. Gifts of appreciated property owned for one year or longer are exempt from all capital gains tax at the time of transfer. Life Insurance One way to make a significant gift in the future is to name New York Downtown Hospital to receive all or a portion of the proceeds of a policy that is no longer needed for family protection. Others have chosen to contribute paid-up policies during their lifetimes, thus realizing a charitable deduction for the policy's cash surrender value. Another way to make a gift of insurance is to purchase a new policy naming the Hospital as beneficiary or co-beneficiary. Pension Plans Another way to support the Hospital is to make it a beneficiary of a pension plan by filling out a "Change of Beneficiary" form provided by the plan administrator. The gift can pass to the Hospital without being subject to estate and income taxes. Charitable Bequests Enable donors to leave a percentage of their estate or a fixed dollar amount to the Hospital in their will. Another option is to name Downtown Hospital as a residuary beneficiary, leaving the Hospital what remains after specific bequests to loved ones are distributed. Please contact the Office of Development for more information on these and other giving opportunities. Memorial TributesMemorial Tributes and remembrance gifts to the Hospital are lasting expressions of appreciation or love. When the gift is received, a special letter of notification will be sent to the person or family that the donor chooses. The donor will receive an acknowledgment letter. Such contributions are tax deductible.Matching giftsMatching Gifts are an opportunity for you to leverage your donation through your employer's match of your gift. Please check with your personnel department to learn about your company's matching gift program and inform them of your gift to Downtown Hospital.Opportunities for GivingEvery gift to Downtown Hospital is important and appreciated. For donors who contribute substantial support of $5,000 to $500,000 and above, the Hospital pays special tribute with a bronze plaque displayed on our "Wall of Honor". Naming opportunities are available at several giving levels. Naming opportunities of buildings, major facilities or programs are reserved for Leadership gifts of $500,000 and above.If you are not currently a "Wall of Honor" donor, we urge you to consider a generous gift. If you are already listed among our most generous contributors, we ask you to consider increasing your giving level. Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: How does my gift help?A: Every gift, no matter the size, is deeply appreciated and results in improved programs and services for the people of Lower Manhattan. Your contribution supports community outreach programs, new services and further development of our new Emergency Medical Center. Q: What are the tax benefits of making a gift? A: As tax benefits of making a gift can vary, it is important that you contact your financial and legal consultants to obtain specific information. Q: What are the different ways I can make a gift? A: Gifts can be made by check, money order, credit card, or the transfer of funds. In addition, there are many planned giving opportunities that have the potential to provide income to you and your beneficiaries. Q: How can I update my mailing address? A: Please contact the Office of Development at: (212) 801-1700, or by mail at: Downtown Hospital Development Office, 170 William Street, New York, NY 10038, in order to update your contact information. Q: How will I be recognized for my gift? A: All donors receive a letter of appreciation. Our most generous donors are recognized with an engraved name plaque on our "Wall of Honor" which is displayed in the William Street Lobby of the Hospital. Contact UsFor a personal and confidential consultation about how your gifts can support Downtown Hospital, please contact:Cora Fung Associate VP for Development New York Downtown Hospital 170 William Street New York, NY 10038 Phone: (212) 801-1723 Fax: (212) 801-1711 Email: [email protected] |
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