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Resident Life

Resident Working Hours

The working hours and conditions of resident physicians in New York State have been set by State Code and ACGME requirements. We in the Department of Medicine support these regulations and feel they represent a welcome change in the nature of residency training which has too often been physically demanding and emotionally exhausting. In addition, we feel that these changes represent an opportunity for an improvement in the nature of residency training programs, which will further emphasize education over service activities. The Department of Medicine at Downtown Hospital has been more than fully compliant with these regulations since the State mandate of July 1989.

Salaries and Benefits

The salaries paid by Downtown Hospital to medical residents are among the highest in the country and are negotiated by the NYDH Housestaff Association. Benefits include: health and dental insurance; malpractice insurance; and prescription-medication program for housestaff and their families. All senior residents receive fifteen hundred dollars towards the cost of attending continuing medical education conferences and/or the purchase of medical educational materials.


All housestaff receive four weeks of vacation time each year, usually separated into two, two week blocks

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