New York Downtown Hospital

New York Downtown Hospital is a community hospital affiliated with the prestigious NewYork-Presbyterian Healthcare System and Weill Cornell Medical College. We are the only acute care New York hospital located in, and serving the citizens of, Lower Manhattan. The Hospital offers a comprehensive suite of healthcare services to the residents and visitors of New York City. The very best New York doctors and nurses provide our patients with high quality health care in state-of-the-art facilities.

New York Downtown Hospital is a multi-specialty medical institution located in the center of Manhattan, providing a full range of medical services to residents and visitors of the city. Our commitment to the highest quality of medical care, the use of advanced technologies, and a personalized approach to each patient have made us one of the leading medical institutions in the region.

Our Services

  • Emergency Care: A 24/7 emergency department equipped to provide urgent medical care.
  • Therapeutic Services: Qualified therapists providing comprehensive medical care, including prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of chronic diseases.
  • Specialized Care: Services of narrow-profile specialists in cardiology, oncology, orthopedics, neurology, and other fields of medicine.
  • Surgery: Modern operating rooms and experienced surgeons performing a wide range of surgical interventions.
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology: Comprehensive management of pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, as well as specialized care for women of all ages.
  • Pediatrics: Pediatric services aimed at maintaining the health of children from newborns to teenagers.

Center for Medical Innovations

We are proud to use the latest technologies and methods in medical practice. Our specialists continuously improve their qualifications and learn new treatment methods to provide our patients with the best quality medical care.

Patient-Centered Approach

Our patients are always the focus of our attention. We pay special attention to your needs and preferences, striving to create comfortable conditions for treatment and recovery. Your health and well-being are our top priority.

Community Support

We actively participate in the life of our community, conducting educational programs and wellness events. Our goal is not only to treat diseases but also to promote the health of our residents.

At New York Downtown, we offer the very best of both worlds: the support of your own private physician together with the latest developments in preventive care and specialty services.

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