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Downtown Hospital Presents the International Emergency Preparedness Symposium

Downtown Hospital's fifth annual Emergency Preparedness Symposium will be on Tuesday, September 11, 2007 in The Goldman Sachs Conference Center at 32 Old Slip in Lower Manhattan, New York, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Symposium Overview:
Experts will cover the topics of readiness and first response to large-scale emergencies, such as natural disasters and terrorist attacks. Presentations: The Rhode Island Nightclub Fire; Advances in Urban Burn Disaster Planning; Communicating Under Crisis; Decontamination; IED Battlefield Lessons for Civilian Response. Breakout sessions: Table Top Exercise - Urban Burn Disaster Planning; SARS in Canada - Implications for Pandemic Flu; Community Emergency Response Teams; Incident Command System.

Symposium attendees are eligible for free continuing education credits/units through New York Downtown Hospital, an accredited provider for Continuing Medical Education Category 1 Credits and for Nursing Continuing Education Units.

Who Should Attend:
Physicians, nurses, healthcare professionals, and other first responders; emergency/safety and corporate medical unit personnel; government and community representatives

For More Information and Reservations:
Please contact Mendez Josephs at (212) 801-1722 or via email at [email protected].

This symposium is offered at no charge through the generous support of Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.

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